Ruth 4:14
Young's Literal Translation
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11 And all the people who [are] in the gate say -- also the elders -- `Witnesses! Jehovah make the woman who is coming in unto thy house as Rachel and as Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and do thou virtuously in Ephrathah, and proclaim the Name in Beth-Lehem;
12 and let thy house be as the house of Pharez (whom Tamar bare to Judah), of the seed which Jehovah doth give to thee of this young woman.`
13 And Boaz taketh Ruth, and she becometh his wife, and he goeth in unto her, and Jehovah giveth to her conception, and she beareth a son.
14 And the women say unto Naomi, `Blessed [is] Jehovah who hath not let a redeemer cease to thee to-day, and his name is proclaimed in Israel,
15 and he hath been to thee for a restorer of life, and for a nourisher of thine old age, for thy daughter-in-law who hath loved thee -- who is better to thee than seven sons -- hath borne him.`
16 And Naomi taketh the lad, and layeth him in her bosom, and is to him for a nurse;
17 and the neighbouring women give to him a name, saying, `There hath been a son born to Naomi,` and they call his name Obed; he [is] father of Jesse, father of David.