Picture of John Dunlap


I've often found myself wishing that online Bibles were simpler. There always seems to be advertisements, buttons, images, menus, and other distractions that I simply wasn't interested in. Using them felt like the word of God was intermingled with television commercials. In late July, I found myself in dire need of something to keep my mind occupied and, being a software developer by trade, it occurred to me that the Lord had put me in a position to grant my own wish. In that moment, I decided to create the online Bible that I'd always wanted to use. An online Bible with no ads; No distractions; Just Bible. That simple statement is what gave JustBible its name. If you've ever found yourself wishing, as I did, for a simpler online Bible then perhaps JustBible is what you've been looking for.

I had been working on JustBible, in my spare time, for about a month when hurricane Irene flooded my office building and temporarily put me out of work. I devoted that time in my life to the completion of JustBible. Without that storm, I don't know if I would have had enough time to finish JustBible. As the apostle Paul so eloquently wrote in Romans 8:28, all things work together for good for those who love the Lord. That storm negatively affected the lives of so many people but, as in all tragedy, good can and does grow out of it; Although, perhaps not in the ways we hope or expect. In my case, it would seem that the Lord used a hurricane to give me the opportunity to build JustBible and to strengthen my heart. It is now my hope that He will use it to bless each of you.

John Dunlap