11for the sin, having received an opportunity, through the command, did deceive me, and through it did slay [me];
12so that the law, indeed, [is] holy, and the command holy, and righteous, and good.
13That which is good then, to me hath it become death? let it not be! but the sin, that it might appear sin, through the good, working death to me, that the sin might become exceeding sinful through the command,
14for we have known that the law is spiritual, and I am fleshly, sold by the sin;
15for that which I work, I do not acknowledge; for not what I will, this I practise, but what I hate, this I do.
16And if what I do not will, this I do, I consent to the law that [it is] good,
17and now it is no longer I that work it, but the sin dwelling in me,