9And as they are coming down from the mount, he charged them that they may declare to no one the things that they saw, except when the Son of Man may rise out of the dead;
10and the thing they kept to themselves, questioning together what the rising out of the dead is.
11And they were questioning him, saying, that the scribes say that Elijah it behoveth to come first.
12And he answering said to them, `Elijah indeed, having come first, doth restore all things; and how hath it been written concerning the Son of Man, that many things he may suffer, and be set at nought?
13But I say to you, That also Elijah hath come, and they did to him what they willed, as it hath been written of him.`
14And having come unto the disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and scribes questioning with them,
15and immediately, all the multitude having seen him, were amazed, and running near, were saluting him.