Job 5:21
Young's Literal Translation
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18 For He doth pain, and He bindeth up, He smiteth, and His hands heal.
19 In six distresses He delivereth thee, And in seven evil striketh not on thee.
20 In famine He hath redeemed thee from death, And in battle from the hands of the sword.
21 When the tongue scourgeth thou art hid, And thou art not afraid of destruction, When it cometh.
22 At destruction and at hunger thou mockest, And of the beast of the earth, Thou art not afraid.
23 (For with sons of the field [is] thy covenant, And the beast of the field Hath been at peace with thee.)
24 And thou hast known that thy tent [is] peace, And inspected thy habitation, and errest not,