1st Peter 2:21
Young's Literal Translation
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18 The domestics! be subjecting yourselves in all fear to the masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the cross;
19 for this [is] gracious, if because of conscience toward God any one doth endure sorrows, suffering unrighteously;
20 for what renown [is it], if sinning and being buffeted, ye do endure [it]? but if, doing good and suffering [for it], ye do endure, this [is] gracious with God,
21 for to this ye were called, because Christ also did suffer for you, leaving to you an example, that ye may follow his steps,
22 who did not commit sin, nor was guile found in his mouth,
23 who being reviled -- was not reviling again, suffering -- was not threatening, and was committing himself to Him who is judging righteously,
24 who our sins himself did bear in his body, upon the tree, that to the sins having died, to the righteousness we may live; by whose stripes ye were healed,