Nahum 1:8
World English Bible
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5 The mountains quake before him, and the hills melt away. The earth trembles at his presence, yes, the world, and all who dwell in it.
6 Who can stand before his indignation? Who can endure the fierceness of his anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken apart by him.
7 Yahweh is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those who take refuge in him.
8 But with an overflowing flood, he will make a full end of her place, and will pursue his enemies into darkness.
9 What do you plot against Yahweh? He will make a full end. Affliction won`t rise up the second time.
10 For entangled like thorns, and drunken as with their drink, they are consumed utterly like dry stubble.
11 There is one gone forth out of you, who devises evil against Yahweh, who counsels wickedness.