3And if some have no faith, will that make the faith of God without effect?
4In no way: but let God be true, though every man is seen to be untrue; as it is said in the Writings, That your words may be seen to be true, and you may be seen to be right when you are judged.
5But if the righteousness of God is supported by our wrongdoing what is to be said? is it wrong for God to be angry (as men may say)?
6In no way: because if it is so, how is God able to be the judge of all the world?
7But if, because I am untrue, God being seen to be true gets more glory, why am I to be judged as a sinner?
8Let us not do evil so that good may come (a statement which we are falsely said by some to have made), because such behaviour will have its right punishment.
9What then? are we worse off than they? In no way: because we have before made it clear that Jews as well as Greeks are all under the power of sin;