13For it is not the hearers of the law who will be judged as having righteousness before God, but only the doers:
14For when the Gentiles without the law have a natural desire to do the things in the law, they are a law to themselves;
15Because the work of the law is seen in their hearts, their sense of right and wrong giving witness to it, while their minds are at one time judging them and at another giving them approval;
16In the day when God will be a judge of the secrets of men, as it says in the good news of which I am a preacher, through Jesus Christ.
17But as for you who have the name of Jew, and are resting on the law, and take pride in God,
18And have knowledge of his desires, and are a judge of the things which are different, having the learning of the law,
19In the belief that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those in the dark,