60And put it in the resting-place which had been cut out of the rock for himself; and after rolling a great stone to the door of it he went away.
61And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, seated by the place of the dead.
62Now on the day after the getting ready of the Passover, the chief priests and Pharisees came together to Pilate,
63Saying, Sir, we have in mind how that false man said, while he was still living, After three days I will come again from the dead.
64Give orders, then, that the place where his body is may be made safe till the third day, for fear that his disciples come and take him away secretly and say to the people, He has come back from the dead: and the last error will be worse than the first.
65Pilate said to them, You have watchmen; go and make it as safe as you are able.
66So they went, and made safe the place where his body was, putting a stamp on the stone, and the watchmen were with them.