Luke 7:42
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39 Now when the Pharisee in whose house he was saw it, he said to himself, This man, if he was a prophet, would be conscious what sort of woman this is who has put her hands on him, that she is a sinner.
40 And Jesus, answering, said, Simon, I have something to say to you. And he said, Master, say on.
41 And he said, Two men were in debt to a certain man of business: one had a debt of five hundred pence, and the other of fifty.
42 When they were unable to make payment, he made the two of them free of their debts. Which of them, now, will have the greater love for him?
43 Simon, in answer, said, It seems he whose debt was greater. And he said, Your decision is right.
44 And turning to the woman he said to Simon, You see this woman? I came into your house; you did not give me water for my feet: but she has been washing my feet with the drops from her eyes, and drying them with her hair.
45 You did not give me a kiss: but she, from the time when I came in, has gone on kissing my feet.