Luke 6:43
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40 The disciple is not greater than his master, but everyone whose learning is complete will be like his master.
41 And why do you take note of the grain of dust in your brother's eye, but take no note of the bit of wood which is in your eye?
42 How will you say to your brother, Brother, let me take the grain of dust out of your eye, when you yourself do not see the bit of wood in your eye? O false one! first take the wood out of your eye and then you will see clearly to take the dust out of your brother's eye.
43 For no good tree gives bad fruit, and no bad tree gives good fruit.
44 For every tree is judged by its fruit. Men do not get figs from thorns, or grapes from blackberry plants.
45 The good man, out of the good store of his heart, gives good things; and the evil man, out of his evil store, gives evil: for out of the full store of the heart come the words of the mouth.
46 Why do you say to me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?