Luke 4:11
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8 And Jesus in answer said to him, It has been said in the Writings, Give worship to the Lord your God, and be his servant only.
9 And he took him to Jerusalem and put him on the highest point of the Temple and said to him, If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down from here; for it is said in the Writings,
10 He will give his angels orders to take care of you:
11 And, In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone.
12 And Jesus made answer and said to him, It is said in the Writings, You may not put the Lord your God to the test.
13 And when all these tests were ended the Evil One went away from him for a time.
14 And Jesus came back to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and the news of him went through all the country round about.