Luke 15:12
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9 And when she has it again, she gets her friends and neighbours together, saying, Be glad with me, for I have got back the bit of silver which had gone from me.
10 Even so, I say to you, There is joy among the angels of God, when one sinner is turned away from his wrongdoing.
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me that part of your property which will be mine. And he made division of his goods between them.
13 And not long after, the younger son got together everything which was his and took a journey into a far-away country, and there all his money went in foolish living.
14 And when everything was gone, there was no food to be had in that country, and he was in need.
15 And he went and put himself into the hands of one of the people of that country, and he sent him into his fields to give the pigs their food.