5 Let the dark and the black night take it for themselves; let it be covered with a cloud; let the dark shades of day send fear on it.
6 That night--let the thick dark take it; let it not have joy among the days of the year; let it not come into the number of the months.
7 As for that night, let it have no fruit; let no voice of joy be sounded in it;
8 Let it be cursed by those who put a curse on the day; who are ready to make Leviathan awake.
9 Let its morning stars be dark; let it be looking for light, but may it not have any; let it not see the eyes of the dawn.
10 Because it did not keep the doors of my mother's body shut, so that trouble might be veiled from my eyes.
11 Why did death not take me when I came out of my mother's body, why did I not, when I came out, give up my last breath?