26Give me my wives and my children, for whom I have been your servant, and let me go: for you have knowledge of all the work I have done for you.
27And Laban said, If you will let me say so, do not go away; for I have seen by the signs that the Lord has been good to me because of you.
28Say then what your payment is to be and I will give it.
29Then Jacob said, You have seen what I have done for you, and how your cattle have done well under my care.
30For before I came you had little, and it has been greatly increased; and the Lord has given you a blessing in everything I have done; but when am I to do something for my family?
31And Laban said, What am I to give you? And Jacob said, Do not give me anything; but I will again take up the care of your flock if you will only do this for me:
32Let me go through all your flock today, taking out from among them all the sheep which are marked or coloured or black, and all the marked or coloured goats: these will be my payment.