6And when he gave orders to the man clothed in linen, saying, Take fire from between the wheels, from between the winged ones, then he went in and took his place at the side of a wheel.
7And stretching out his hand to the fire which was between the winged ones, he took some of it and went out.
8And I saw the form of a man's hands among the winged ones under their wings.
9And looking, I saw four wheels by the side of the winged ones, one wheel by the side of a winged one and another wheel by the side of another: and the wheels were like the colour of a beryl stone to the eye.
10In form the four of them were all the same, they seemed like a wheel inside a wheel.
11When they were moving, they went on their four sides without turning; they went after the head in the direction in which it was looking; they went without turning.
12And the edges of the four wheels were full of eyes round about.