11And again I saw under the sun that the reward goes not to him who is quick, or the fruits of war to the strong; and there is no bread for the wise, or wealth for men of learning, or respect for those who have knowledge; but time and chance come to all.
12Even man has no knowledge of his time; like fishes taken in an evil net, or like birds taken by deceit, are the sons of men taken in an evil time when it comes suddenly on them.
13This again I have seen under the sun as wisdom and it seemed great to me.
14There was a little town and the number of its men was small, and there came a great king against it and made an attack on it, building works of war round about it.
15Now there was in the town a poor, wise man, and he, by his wisdom, kept the town safe. But no one had any memory of that same poor man.
16Then I said, Wisdom is better than strength, but the poor man's wisdom is not respected, and his words are not given a hearing.
17The words of the wise which come quietly to the ear are noted more than the cry of a ruler among the foolish.