32And now, I give you into the care of God and the word of his grace, which is able to make you strong and to give you your heritage among all the saints.
33I have had no desire for any man's silver or gold or clothing.
34You yourselves have seen that with these hands I got what was necessary for me and those who were with me.
35In all things I was an example to you of how, in your lives, you are to give help to the feeble, and keep in memory the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting.
36And having said these words, he went down on his knees in prayer with them all.
37And they were all weeping, falling on Paul's neck and kissing him,
38Being sad most of all because he had said that they would not see his face again. And so they went with him to the ship.