21And went from them, saying, I will come back to you if God lets me; and he took ship from Ephesus.
22And when he had come to land at Caesarea, he went to see the church, and then went down to Antioch.
23And having been there for some time, he went through the country of Galatia and Phrygia in order, making the disciples strong in the faith.
24Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, and a man of learning, came to Ephesus; and he had great knowledge of the holy Writings.
25This man had been trained in the way of the Lord; and burning in spirit, he gave himself up to teaching the facts about Jesus, though he had knowledge only of John's baptism:
26And he was preaching in the Synagogue without fear. But Priscilla and Aquila, hearing his words, took him in, and gave him fuller teaching about the way of God.
27And when he had a desire to go over into Achaia, the brothers gave him help, and sent letters to the disciples requesting them to take him in among them: and when he had come, he gave much help to those who had faith through grace: