20Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but others of wood and earth, and some which are honoured and some without honour.
21If a man makes himself clean from these, he will be a vessel for honour, made holy, ready for the master's use, ready for every good work.
22But keep yourself from those desires of the flesh which are strong when the body is young, and go after righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those whose prayers go up to the Lord from a clean heart.
23And put away foolish and uncontrolled questionings, seeing that they are a cause of trouble.
24For it is not right for the Lord's servant to make trouble, but he is to be gentle to all, ready in teaching, putting up with wrong,
25Gently guiding those who go against the teaching; if by chance God may give them a change of heart and true knowledge,
26And so they may get themselves free from the net of the Evil One, being made the prisoners of the Lord's servant, for the purpose of God.