12For if there is a ready mind, a man will have God's approval in the measure of what he has, and not of what he has not.
13And I am not saying this so that others may get off free, while the weight comes on you:
14But so that things may be equal; that from those things of which you have more than enough at the present time their need may be helped, and that if you are in any need they may be a help to you in the same way, making things equal.
15As it says in the Writings, He who had taken up much had nothing over and he who had little had enough.
16But praise be to God, who puts the same care for you into the heart of Titus.
17For while he gladly gave ear to our request, he was interested enough to go to you from the impulse of his heart.
18And with him we have sent a brother whose praise in the good news has gone through all the churches;