Exodus 37:9
American Standard Translation
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6 And he made a mercy-seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half [was] the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
7 And he made two cherubim of gold; of beaten work made he them, at the two ends of the mercy-seat;
8 one cherub at the one end, and one cherub at the other end: of one piece with the mercy-seat made he the cherubim at the two ends thereof.
9 And the cherubim spread out their wings on high, covering the mercy-seat with their wings, with their faces one to another; toward the mercy-seat were the faces of the cherubim.
10 And he made the table of acacia wood: two cubits [was] the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof:
11 and he overlaid it with pure gold, and made thereto a crown of gold round about.
12 And he made unto it a border of a handbreadth round about, and made a golden crown to the border thereof round about.